Social Impact


Enriching lives through travel

Beyond Travel has a philosophy ‘give back by enriching the lives of our people, our passengers and the wider community through travel’. This happens at both an international and local level. We are partnering with local organisations to help improve the lives of those in the community, as caring for people is at the core of the company.

We are donating $25 from every booking made to these organisations.

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Mission: To help improve the health and wellbeing of those in vulnerable situations

I am the social impact and communication coordinator of this project, in my final year studying a bachelor of Public Health. My passion is improving the lives of people and helping make a difference where possible. This project resonates closely to me as it aligns with my interests and passions.


Homeless women and children:

Homelessness is not a choice for many as they can be left without a home for numerous reasons including; domestic violence, shortage of affordable housing and family breakdown. Women and families who face domestic violence are at a higher risk of facing homelessness. This has a significant impact on the health and wellbeing of women and their children.

SAHSSI houses women and children in the Illawarra and Shoalhaven who face homelessness due to domestic violence. They have services that are able to provide council, support and they help families to find their own homes.

Beyond Travel is partnering with SAHSSI to support these women and provide the necessary items to help them set up their own homes. Women fleeing from domestic violence are not often able to pack and take white goods with them, including goods such as; towels, cutlery, fridges and more. Beyond Travel is helping to provide these goods so that the women and children are able to start up in their new home.

Some of what SAHSSI does:

  • Provides 10,950 nights of crisis accommodation
  • 295 homeless people secured long-term housing
  • 540 women and children are in safe crisis accommodation

There are approximately 116,000 homeless Australians, roughly half being women

1 in 6 women have experience physical violence by a current or previous partner

8 women each day are hospitalised due to assault from a partner

Domestic violence is the main reason women and children leave their homes in Australia

Read Danielle’s Story

Danielle became homeless and was referred to SAHSSI when she relinquished her social housing property with Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) Housing. She had previously endured a long history of domestic violence resulting in the incarceration of her long-term ex-partner, so upon being advised of his release, she had immediate concerns for the safety of herself and her children. As a violent offender, Danielle’s ex-partner was known for breaching ADVO conditions, knew where she lived, and was likely to threaten the safety of the family. Danielle and the children stayed with her mother on a temporary basis while SAHSSI supported her to apply for tenancy reinstatement with DCJ Housing.

Read Tegan’s Story

Tegan became at risk of homelessness when her relationship broke down due to domestic violence. During the relationship Tegan had endured emotional, psychological and financial abuse, which had included her partner not paying his share of the rent on the property they leased together. Shortly after her partner left, Tegan was shocked to receive a termination notice for rent arrears. She was four weeks behind in her rent. Tegan referred herself and her two children to SAHSSI, thinking she would need to give up her tenancy as she had no way of clearing such high rent arrears. Instead, SAHSSI acted quickly to support Tegan to work with her real estate to sustain her current tenancy. The agent recognised that, prior to the domestic violence, Tegan’s tenancy had been a good one.

Read Helen’s Story

When Helen was referred to SAHSSI she had been homeless and living rough for more than ten years. Drug use, illegal activities leading to incarceration, and poor lifestyle choices had all contributed to Helen’s living situation. After her incarceration period, Helen spent two years in residential rehabilitation and drug treatment programs. Upon release, the only accommodation Helen could secure was boarding or guest house style accommodation. Helen advised that she struggled in this shared setting, and that the anti-social behaviours of some made her feel unsafe, and at risk of relapse. Helen returned to sleeping rough, advising that train stations were her preferred place as they were well lit, and had CCTV cameras which made her feel safe.


Education program amongst homeless youth in the Illawarra

Youth homelessness is a concerning issue within Australia. With the 2016 census showing that there were over 19,400 homeless children. Homelessness can be defined as not having a shelter or adequate housing, it can also include ‘couch surfing’ and relying on crisis shelter as well as cheap motels.

Youth homelessness have many lifelong affects including; an emotional strain on the child as they no longer have the safety of a home, developmental delays as they can often fall behind in schooling and negative health effects as nutritional deficiencies can often occur.

A factor of homelessness is a lack of education which can lead to poverty, as this is often linked to jobs and opportunities. Education can help end the cycle of poverty as there are often more career opportunities available for those who have a high school or higher education. Education is also important as it allows a child to grow cognitive, social and emotional lifelong skills.

This is why Beyond Travel is partnering with Southern Youth and Family Services to allow the youth to grow their educational and employment skills to kickstart a better future.

Children make up 17% of the homeless population

19,400 homeless children ages 0 -14 were found across Australia in 2016

29,600 children had to receive specialised homelessness services due to domestic violence and family breakdown in 2017-18

62% of homeless children were previously living in severely overcrowded dwellings

Homeless youth are more likely to have mental health issues, emotional or behavioural problems and have poorer academic achievements

Read Ian’s Story

Ian, 17 years old

Ian was referred to the Relink Program from the Wollongong Youth Crisis Refuge and RAFT the Family Support service for assistance with Ian’s Language, Literacy, and Numeracy. Ian was an early school leaver who previously had poor school attendance. Ian’s mother suffers from serve mental health issues and this has impacted Ian’s development who also has an Intellectual disability.

Read Emily’s Story

Emily, 15 years old

Emily was referred to EET (educational, employment training) through a HYAP co-worker, She has experienced homelessness was couch surfing and running away from home for the past 2 years due to family breakdown and mental health issues.

At the time of referral Emily was 14 years old and was enrolled at Warilla High School but had not attended for over 1 year.

Emily found it hard to engage with various staff members in the past but ended up trusting EET staff and a positive rapport was established.

Read Lena’s Story

Lena, 16 years old

Lena has been known to EET close to 3 years, since she started to engage with the HYAP program. In this time, she has faced family violence, severe grief and loss, homelessness and tried her hardest to maintain her education. Lena completed her year 10 studies when she moved to Tasmania for a short while, leaving school once she returned to the Wollongong area.